

Just Water to Some: Tales from the Dript

Memoirs of Outrageous Adventures and Misadventures

by Regis A. Johns


Just Water to Some is a joyous, riveting memoir of surf, ski, and kiting adventure from outside the author's door in Cocoa Beach, Florida, across five continents. Join Regis on the water, on the beach, or après ski to hear his tales from the "dript" -- true stories filled with friends, celebs, exotic locales ... and one very large alligator. But beware: Like surfing, this book is addictive. By the last page, you'll be "ate up with it"!

Author's Note

Since achieving memory, I have been drawn to anything watery. Rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, seas, frozen-water lands, and of course, the great oceans of the world. Why? Maybe because they hold so much more than meets the eye. 

These bodies of water and collections of snow are also transitory--they are ever changing. I have always treasured this quality, and it's why I prize experiences over stuff. Cars, boats, houses, clothes ... I have them but am not obsessed with them. They're not unique; they're replaceable. Instead, memories made with family and friends amid adventures are what I have always craved. Experiences shape and mold us so that we are always changing and evolving as a person-changing and evolving, like the seas.

Now, as I qualify for Medicare and look back at my decades of adventure, I wish to pass along my story and what I have learned, in an effort to motivate the next generations. The pursuit of water sports--and the wonderful people I have met along the way--have made my life so rich that I want to show others how to find that kind of meaning in their lives. My advice? Get out there and explore all the wonders of the world ... keep on trying, always getting better ... and know that you can achieve your goals with hard work. Take chances! Live "outside the box"! Do what it takes to live your dreams, however big or small. 

What one man or woman can do, so can another. Not blessed with an athletic body type, I made myself more athletic through sheer desire and working to hone the physical and mental aspects of each sport. Whether surfing, skiing, kiteboarding, or waterskiing, I used the tools available to reach my own goals, not comparing myself to anyone else. As a surfer, I may not be an XL wave "hellman," but I can get high at my level and be 100% satisfied. Sure, there will always be someone quicker, braver, or more athletic ... but I never consider them "better" than me.

Talent and personal traits come in many forms. God gave us each our own special mix. It's our job to get the most out of our mix. It takes work, but I'm living proof that the payoff is worth it. I can think of no other way in which I could have achieved so much, connected with so many, and kindled a lifelong passion that continues to satisfy my soul to this day. 

Now, together, let's share a scare, a laugh, a cry, a thought--and the thrills that made them all possible. 

Cheers, mate!
Regis at 30,000 feet